
Ramblings in Rapid-Prototyping, Physical Computing and random creativity, featuring Arduino, Raspberry Pi and related technologies. Most of these projects are done for fun, on short sprints and near-zero budget, and they frequently share a remarkable lack of refinement.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

My Ideal Bunkbed

I spent a moment the other morning drafting my ideal bunk bed. Ideal in the sense that some of the places where bunks are used could benefit from the suggested transformability, namely holiday homes and hostels.

  • A hostel could benefit from being able to more easily adjust the proportion of dorms vs double rooms according to demand
  • Holiday homes can typically be colonized by widely varying populations, ranging from scores of younger children to all couples. And couples do not like getting the bunks.

I have no idea if this has been done before, and it probably has, but it took me less to make this than it would have taken me to look for similar designs. If building myself, I'd go nautical and use rope and pulleys, but I'll let you imagine the specific mechanism.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


"...if I build a dresser, that's very useful but it doesn't get a lot of views, but one thing I've learned is that useless crap on Youtube, gets a lot of views" - Matthias Wandel

A while ago the carpenter at work was throwing out pile of plywood sheet offcuts. "It's good ply," he said, "but I can't keep storing offcuts, I'm out of space". Hence, I rescued as much as I could, and so far I've made quite a few things with it, mostly (functional) furniture. But after the robot arm project, I wanted to learn more about Computer Vision, and had seen a few Nerf and paintball sentry-gun projects online (Google'em). While most of those projects aim at shooting others (pun intended), shooting something tasty at self seemed like an interesting (and profoundly futile) endeavor

For this project, I used a RasPi 2 with OpenCV (Python bindings) and the ServoBlaster library.
The hardware is mostly, as you can imagine, salvaged plywood! Also, the winch servo from the StoveDJ , and normal servos from the now dismantled robot arm. An old droid phone with IPwebcam was the video source, since I didn't have a USB webcam or Pi camera module at hand, nor cared to buy any.